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Home Remedies for Common Cold and Flu Symptoms

Date: 07 Jun 2024

The flu season is around the corner, and unlike most seasons, this is one season that leaves us worn out, in pain, uncomfortable, and highly irritable. However, the good news is that you can not only prepare for the season by getting warmer clothing but you can also make home remedies for the common cold and flu in the unfortunate case where your preparation does not keep the cold and flu away. Here are some of the home remedies for you and your loved ones as flu season approaches:

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The best medication for a common cold or flu is rest. When you are suffering from a cold or flu, your body is doing a lot to fight off the infection, and the best way you can help is by getting as much rest as possible. Resting will help ensure that you conserve the little energy left, and this energy can now be directed to helping your immune system. Cold and flu can leave your immune system quite weakened and over-exertion can lead to serious complications. Rest will also not only help you heal faster. But it will also help alleviate symptoms such as fatigue and weakness. So the next time you get the flu, don’t forget to get adequate rest.


When dealing with cold and flu symptoms, being properly hydrated can make all the difference. Cold and flu causes fever, sweating, and excess mucus production, and all these can leave you quite dehydrated. Adequate fluid intake will help ensure that you do not get dehydrated as your body works to overcome the viral infection. As your immune system responds to the infection, it produces toxins and waste products and if they are not flushed out, they can make your condition much worse. Staying hydrated also helps thin the mucus which eases congestion. It also relieves throat irritation, brings down fever, and ultimately improves your overall well-being.

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If you are like me, the worst part of having a common cold or flu is being forced to take some bitter concoctions. However, despite the unpleasant taste, these concoctions can work wonders. A concoction is a mixture of various ingredients, where each of the included ingredients has potential health benefits but when put together, they are a lethal weapon to a cold or flu. Most concoctions include honey, lemon, herbal teas, ginger, turmeric, garlic, and eucalyptus. These ingredients help soothe a sore throat, reduce coughing, thin mucus, and even reduce inflammation. Ingredients such as garlic and ginger also have antibacterial and antiviral properties and they help to strengthen your immune system, giving it a fighting chance. So the next time you are handed a cup full of weird-looking mixture, please do not pour its contents into a sink.

Chicken soup

There is a reason why growing up, your parent or guardian would make you some chicken soup any time you came down with a cold or flu. First and foremost, chicken soup will leave you hydrated. If you are coming down with the flu, chances are you do not want to see cold drinks anywhere near you. Chicken soup is a good alternative as it is primarily liquid, leaving you hydrated enough to soothe your throat, loosen mucus, and strengthen your immune system. Chicken soup also contains ingredients that are rich in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that can accelerate your healing process. Common cold and flu can leave you quite uncomfortable, and chicken soup is one of the comfort foods that can have a positive psychological effect on you. This means that you not only get to help your body fight the bacteria or virus, but you also feel good doing it.

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Warm liquids and compress

Placing a warm compress on your forehead can help alleviate the headache that comes with having a cold or the flu. Warm liquids will also not only relieve a congested nose but it will also help you feel warm and comfortable.


Gargling with warm salt water can also help alleviate discomfort by loosening mucus, moisturizing your throat, and reducing swelling in the throat. This is a simple process that you can repeat several times in a day especially when you experience discomfort because of a sore throat or stuffy nose.

Keep warm

Something that can make your cold or flu symptoms worsen is exposing yourself to cold. This is because your body is already short on energy and exposing yourself to cold only forces it to you the remaining energy keeping you warm instead of fighting the infection. Try to stay as warm as possible as your contribution to the recovery process.

Take a hot/steamy shower

When you are suffering from a cold or flu, everything hot is your friend. A steamy shower can help decongest your nasal passages. It can also help you relax, something that is crucial to your recovery process.

Eat healthy foods

What you eat is crucial when it comes to alleviating common cold and flu symptoms. The flu can sometimes be accompanied by nausea and diarrhea, and eating bananas or rice can help prevent diarrhea and even calm your stomach. Spicy foods can help decongest your nasal passages while yogurt and citrus can help boost your immune system and even shorten the healing process.

Final Thought

We often hope that the flu season will pass by without affecting us. Unfortunately, this does not always happen and we are often left to deal with the common cold and flu symptoms. Remember that in such a season, warmth is your best friend. Take warm liquids, wear warm clothes, and get as much rest as you can. Also, ensure you stay nourished and hydrated as this can help your immune system to fight off the infection with ease. While most of the common cold and flu symptoms go away in 3-7 days, a prolonged cold or flu might require you to seek medical help. If your symptoms persist despite trying these home remedies, please visit the nearest healthcare facility and your healthcare provider will help you come up with a better treatment plan.