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Natural remedies for better sleep and relaxation

Date: 07 Jun 2024

Do you ever find yourself struggling to go to sleep? Or do you get excited to go to sleep only to end up with fragmented sleep? If you are like me, poor sleep can leave you feeling grumpy and unfocused the whole day. Poor sleep is one of the things that we all experience at one point in life; if it is not taken care of, it can ruin many things. Luckily, there are so many natural remedies for better sleep and relaxation and this guide will help you find the best remedy for you.

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Sleep routine

One of the major reasons why we have trouble sleeping is not having a consistent sleep routine. If you sleep today at 9 am then tomorrow sleep at midnight and the next day at 4 am, you might end up disturbing your sleep-wake cycle. Inconsistent sleep also leads to sleep deprivation since you do not get enough amount of sleep daily, which can leave you fatigued and unable to concentrate when you need it the most. Have you ever woken up only to feel disoriented and moody? You can blame sleep inconsistency on that as well!

While it is super difficult to sleep at the same time every day, this can greatly help improve your health and ensure that you get better sleep. Establishing a regular sleep routine can also help ensure that you are not at risk of obesity, diabetes, and even heart disease. So the next time you are tempted to click on that next episode on Netflix, remember all the benefits you will get if you keep to your sleep routine and save that episode for tomorrow.

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Make your sleeping environment as comfortable as possible

A comfortable sleeping environment can help you relax, not just physically but also mentally, making it easier to sleep. Your sleeping space should not be disorganized, loud, too bright, too cold, or too hot as these are not ideal conditions for better sleep. Sleeping on your couch while watching your favorite TV show is not the best way to relax. Other than making your sleeping space dark and quiet, it is also crucial to ensure that you have the right bedding. Invest in a comfortable mattress (it should not be too hard or too thin) and comfortable pillows and bedding. An uncomfortable bed is more likely to leave your body aching, which can greatly disrupt your sleep.


One of the easiest ways for you to relax is to meditate. While vigorous physical activity is not advisable just before your sleep time, meditation or light exercises (such as yoga) can greatly help you relax. Light exercise can release endorphins, making it easier for you to unwind and relax enough to sleep. If you are especially struggling with insomnia, meditation can help your body to calm down. Insomnia is mainly caused by stress and anxiety. When your awake hours are spent in a highly stressful environment, you might find it difficult to sleep since your body and mind are not calm enough. Meditation can help you relax enough to get better sleep, something that can also help reduce anxiety and stress in your life.


Magnesium is a crucial nutrient when it comes to regulating several processes in your body, among them being your sleep. If you are struggling to fall asleep, chances are your diet may not have enough magnesium in it. You can engage in light snacking (in magnesium-rich foods such as yogurt, soy milk, nuts, whole grains, and seeds) two hours or so before your bedtime. If you have reason to believe that your magnesium levels are quite low and your diet may not help raise them as quickly as needed, you can take some supplements as they will help ensure that your sleep is not interrupted. However, be careful to consult with a healthcare professional before you take these supplements.


While an alcoholic drink or coffee may not do you any good while you are trying to sleep (it can ruin your sleep), a glass of water, herbal tea, or some tart cherry juice can help you fall asleep easily. Chamomile tea is known for its calming properties, making it a good choice of beverage before your bedtime. Valerian root tea is also great for better sleep as it helps reduce anxiety. Tart cherry juice produces melatonin, which can greatly help ensure that you not only fall asleep but also have a healthy amount of sleep.  You can take any of these beverages an hour or two before sleeping and you will sleep much better. Ensure that you also remain well hydrated throughout the day as this will help you flush out toxins from your body that can lead to sleep deprivation.

Lifestyle adjustment

Did you know that a sedentary life can lead to poor quality of sleep? If you want to have better sleep, you need to ensure that you eat a well-balanced diet, stay hydrated, and even work out. Limiting your caffeine and alcohol consumption, especially before bedtime can help improve your sleep. Also limiting your screen time can help ensure that you are not exposed to blue light before bedtime as this can be a hindrance to your sleep.

Final thought

We are in an era where grind has been glorified to the extent that not having enough sleep is seen as an achievement. Before you buy into this bigoted belief, remember that sleeping is not a waste of time and you need enough sleep to function normally and even be as productive as possible. The above natural remedies for better sleep and relaxation can help ensure that you remain healthy and focused in your waking hours. However, it is important to note that one technique may not work for you, meaning that you should try out a combination of some of these remedies until you find what works for you. The world needs the relaxed, happy, healthy focused you, meaning that you cannot leave your sleep to chance, but you have to intentionally create a routine that helps ensure you are all these and more.