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Tips for Managing Stress and Anxiety Naturally

Date: 07 Jun 2024

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems facing most people in the world. If you have been feeling stressed and anxious of late, you are not alone. The world is unhappier and more stressed than it has ever been. The rise of social media platforms, economic and political instability, and technological advancements have created an environment where one is not only overloaded by information, but is also disconnected from reality, while still getting pressured (especially from these social media platforms) to become more beautiful, successful, richer, healthier, leaner, and more productive than everyone else. As the pressure to succeed increases, so do our stress and anxiety levels. The good news is, that you do not have to stay stressed or anxious, and neither do you have to develop more mental health issues from this. This article will provide you with tips for managing stress and anxiety naturally.

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Physical exercise can greatly help reduce anxiety by releasing endorphins which help lift your mood naturally, reducing feelings of stress and anxiety. Regular exercise also helps reduce levels of stress hormones and improve the quality of sleep, which always does wonders for your mood. Exercise can also act as a healthy distraction, forcing you not to focus on stressful situations while at the same time allowing you to relax. Working out regularly is sure to show on your body, improving your physical appearance by making you more fit, thereby boosting your self-esteem and confidence. As your self-image improves, your stress and anxiety levels reduce.


The race to success has left most of us with too many commitments and not enough time to rest. In a world that glorifies grind, it is crucial to ensure you get adequate sleep (7-9 hours for adults) as lack of sleep is bound to leave you anxious, irritable, stressed, and unproductive.


Sometimes when struggling with stress and anxiety, what you need is not a distraction but a healthy way of expressing your feelings. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you gain clarity on a particular issue and even de-clutter your mind.

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Employ various meditation techniques such as yoga, breathing exercises, and mindfulness meditation. Meditation helps you to focus on the present moment, and forget everything that is troubling you. It also helps you to relax, thus reducing your stress levels and even improving concentration.

Time management strategies

One of the main causes of stress and anxiety is that we find ourselves with so much to do and so little time. For instance, if you are a young father with a demanding job, you might find yourself anxious to finish your job and go home to see your family. To avoid the stress that comes with too many commitments, you need to come up with a schedule and break your commitments into small achievable tasks. Time management strategies give you a sense of control, instead of leaving you feeling as if you are fighting against time. Such strategies can also help ensure that when making your schedule, you plan for self-care and for time with friends and family, something that can greatly alleviate your anxiety.

Balanced diet

Did you know that certain foods and drinks can increase your anxiety? We all love a cup of coffee or an energy drink during the day. However, caffeine in such drinks increases nervousness and restlessness, making your anxiety worse than it was. Alcohol also leads to increased anxiety especially as it wears off. High sugar, fat, and salty foods can also negatively affect your mood. Thus, when anxious or stressed (and even when you are completely okay), it is advisable to eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins as such foods positively affect your mood.

Nature and fresh air

Sometimes all you need is a dose of fresh air. Nature has a way of bringing everything into perspective and even calming you down when you feel like the world is against you. As you feel the sun on your face, that warmth spreads through your body, calming every part of you. The sound of the wind on the trees or birds and small animals can reduce your stress hormones and improve your mood. When you can't be outside, you can choose to listen to natural sounds as they can help you to feel connected to nature. More than that, such sounds can also help reduce stress and even deal with your concentration problems.

Social support

In an era where people are more disconnected than ever, ensure that you have a strong support system made up of your friends and family. These are people who will love you no matter what. When you feel overwhelmed, sometimes the best thing would be to sit down with a loved one (or make a call if you cannot physically reach them) and have a heart-to-heart conversation. People you can rely on will not only help you deal with your worries, but they will also help you feel like you matter even when you are dealing with feelings of unworthiness or failure.

Animal therapy

Never underestimate the power of a pet in calming you and reducing your stress levels. Animal therapy is a real thing as pets can support you and love you even without uttering a single word. Having a pet can also force you to exercise and get some fresh air as you walk or play with them.

Final Thought

Stress and anxiety are not the new trend. These are feelings that can negatively affect your life and even contribute to the development of more mental health problems. These tips for managing stress and anxiety naturally can help ensure that even in an era where people are unhappy and stressed, you can still be happy and stress-free. However, while these strategies can help, it is also crucial to identify stressors in your life and remove them if possible. For instance, if social media is raising your anxiety levels, you can decide to have social media breaks regularly to avoid the production of stress hormones. If working remotely is leaving you feeling quite isolated, you can try and schedule some time to meet and have fun with friends.