Suitable for
vitiliginous areas of skin
Has pigmenting
and coloring agents
Can be used
during phototherapy
Viticolor Gel for vitiliginous skin combines coloring
and self-tanning agents to ensure long lasting coloration and is suitable for
vitiliginous areas of skin phototypes III and IV. It is especially designed for
vitiliginous skin coloration. It may be used during phototherapy periods
because it colors the skin without providing any sun protection.
Viticolor Gel has coloring agents for immediate
coloring and pigmenting agents for long lasting and in-depth color. The
coloring agents are used to provide you with a guide to ensure accurate
application of Viticolor and will wash off if the skin is washed immediately
after application. Washing does not adversely affect the action of the
pigmenting base.
Make your order today at Pharmily at an affordable price and
we will deliver it to your doorstep.
How to use:
Step 1: Apply the gel to the depigmented areas with the flat
part of the brush from the centre of the depigmented area,
Step 2: Gradually draw the product in circles towards the
border to avoid any demarcation. Step 3: Allow to dry.
After 8 hours assess the colour match with the surrounding
skin. If the colour is too light then repeat the application every 8 hours
until you reach the desired colour.
Keep in a clean dry place away from direct flames.
Please ensure that the gel is fully dry before putting
clothing over it as it may leave marks on clothing.